Paint Together to Honor Her Life & Creative Spirit
One of Aviva’s grand wishes was to see an entire sports stadium or arena filled with thousands of people painting together.
So in that spirit, we would like to hold a global painting event in her memory and honor. And rather than being all in one big arena, we will create an etheric container together, or perhaps think of ourselves as starlights twinkling around the globe. Let’s turn the planet into a “kindergarten painting chapel” and paint together over the course of a few days.
More details will follow, but the current vision is that sometime between Oct 31 and Nov 2, 2023 we will create and hold space for this memorial painting event, giving people around the world an opportunity to paint and do ceremony, together in small groups, or alone as desired, to connect with any number of groups that may choose to form, short or long, large or small during this window of time. You can paint as little or as much as you desire, comforted in knowing we’re all connected in a container, sharing the same intent.
If you would like to host an in-person or virtual gathering or find a group to connect with, please join the private Facebook group created just for this event. This will be our hub where you can find out when and where painting is happening, be updated on information as it evolves, find Zoom links, share paintings, etc.
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If you have questions or would like to send any correspondence, condolences, or remembrances to Aviva’s family, click the button below and your email will be forwarded to them.
The family is also planning memorial gatherings in Oracle and New York.
Aviva impacted so many lives in such a profound way and perhaps her lasting message to each of us will always be… “Keep painting.”
Love and blessings.