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I am so proud to offer a variety of Painting From the Source® vehicles birthed by me over the years … vehicles to Teach, Delight and Enchant… Browse my books and Enjoy these Gems!

The King Who Sang the Song of the Grandmother
The King Who Sang the Song of the Grandmother tells how Great King Alexander endures arduous trials on his destined path to acquire the wisdom needed to save Over Earth from cataclysmic destruction. Aviva Gold’s allegory colorfully depicts the root cause of our present planetary problems and reveals the sole remedy: the collective evolution of consciousness from hard-hearted materialism to ecstatic Love. Read this story and experience your heart shift.
It was 1998 and my book, “Painting From The Source: Awakening The Artists’ Soul In Everyone” was just published by Harper Collins in English-speaking countries around the world. On a dark cold winter night near Hudson, New York, I watched a video movie about the life of Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, the 14th-century French astrologer, physician and reputed “seer,” who accurately predicted future devastating events such as plagues, the French Revolution, and World War I and II. Read More…
THIS ancient tale tells the story of how a great king endured many trials to acquire the wisdom needed to save himself and his people. Great King Alexander’s destiny—unbeknownst to him—was to save Over Earth from destruction. But to fully understand the magnitude of the King’s quest, we must go back to near the beginning of time, the slaying of the first sacred dragon for her magic treasure of a stardust egg, the birth of the Fear Force, and the appearance of The White Father God Story. Read More… (Introduction + Chapter 1)
Painting From the source: awakening the artist soul in everyone
Painting From The Source: Awakening The Artist’s Soul In Everyone – Full Color
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Painting From The Source: Awakening the Artist Soul in Everyone – Original Limited Edition – Black And White with 8 Page Color Insert
Limited Edition of Classic: “Painting From The Source: Awakening The Artist Soul In Everyone” is Aviva Gold’s first book, Originally published Internationally by Harper Collins in 1998. This paperback has an 8-page color insert and is written and designed to guide people back to the Source of their creativity home alone or with groups.
Imagine yourself painting with no hesitations, no conflicts. Your brush dips into pots of vibrantly colored paint; inner inspiration guides your hand into lines and shapes that find their perfect places on the paper…
Welcome! I am Aviva Gold, your guide to the magic source. As children, all of us lived and painted intuitively, but somewhere along the line this freedom gets trained out of us, and we are either categorized as artists or not. Now as adults we can re-create the boundless joy of unselfconscious art by setting aside intellectual critique and self-doubt and reconnecting with the source.
Paint and remember! Return to the easel with the same child like sense of play. Learn to let go of inhibitions, relinquish control, and embrace the source. Using simple materials – tempera paints, newsprint – paint without worrying about the end product.
Source art in the world: how your authentic creativity heals the planet
Source Art In The World
Source Art in the World: How Your Authentic Creativity Heals The Planet is the long-awaited sequel to author Aviva Gold’s famed Painting From The Source: Awakening The Artist’s Soul In Everyone (Harper Collins, 1998), a guide to expressing the soul’s essence with simple tempera paint and paper.
Source Art In The World takes the reader to the next level, by inspiring the reader to not only seek out the artist within — whether it be painter, writer, filmmaker, musician, dancer, poet, or any other creative path — but to bring that creativity into the world and to inspire others to do so as well, not just for the sake of inner well-being, but for the well-being of the planet that we all share.
Source Art is an essential read for anyone interested in how and why authentic creativity can re-enchant and heal our ailing world, and why everyone must participate. It is a call for art activism as a catalyst for cultural transformation. This handbook for radical arts activism includes instruction for leading groups, eco-creative workshops, and numerous other practical applications.
The digital companion version is supplemented with over 70 links to illustrative web sites, definitions, and videos.
“Aviva Gold believes conscious evolution can be sparked by an outpouring of creativity and her book and work are an important piece of the trans-formative fabric of the human imagination. Whether you are a practicing or a self-repressed artist in waiting, you are invited to play your part in the art revolution by reading her book.” – Jeff Hunter, New Paradigm Press
“Here is the manifesto for joyous creative change the world has been waiting for. Aviva leads us into the future fearlessly as only a fully wild woman can, paintbrush aloft, chanting and dancing. She is a worthy guide as we paint the new world into being.” – Pat B. Allen, Art is a Way of Knowing
The Complete Painting From the source: Re-enchantment of people & planet through art
This is a combination of the original and the sequel, Painting From The Source: Awakening the Artist Soul in Everyone, along with Source Art In The World: How Your Authentic Creativity Heals The Planet
Complete Painting From The Source
This updated version of Aviva Gold’s classic guide to ritual visual expression, Painting From The Source: Awakening The Artists Soul In Everyone (Harper Collins, 1998), also now includes the long-awaited sequel, which inspires the reader to not only seek out the artist within but to bring that creativity into the world and to inspire others to do the same.
The new final chapters, Source Art in The World, address improvised arts as a powerful spiritual ritual and eco-activism practice, with instructions on implementation.
The Complete PFTS is an essential read for anyone interested in how authentic creativity can re-enchant and heal our ailing world. It is a call for art activism as a catalyst for cultural transformation.