Dear Painting Friends Worldwide,

Student painting from Painting from the Source class.

You are one of 1,650 wise artists from 25 countries around the globe, each sharing the same experience; your daily life disrupted to some extent by an invisible invader. I live alone and some times feel isolated. Some workshops were cancelled and money refunded, which felt scary and sad. A resurgence of my old “Cinderella Syndrome”, wanting to be rescued by prince charming then showed up. Do you know that one?

I take a risk at times to shop for groceries and on occasion allow my son to visit with me for company and to help with chores. It is odd not to embrace him and have him wear a mask and gloves in the kitchen.   On the whole, however, I maintain my inner peace and equanimity with walks in nature, yoga, meditation, writing, dreaming, cooking, drawing, gardening, movie, some zooming with family and friends and reaching out to all of you.

And how are you doing? How are you creatively restructuring your life? … struggling? Please know that you are in good company with many others who are lending a hand for the greater good. I firmly believe that surprising improvements to our world will come as result of this mutual threat we are living through. In the meantime, know that in the words of French Author, Andre Maurois, “Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more humane world.” 

Need a good laugh? This link is a must share, with pictures of creative expression in Australia of people getting in costume to take out their trash (the only time they are allowed out of the house). Ah, the powerful need for creative self expression!  Australians are dressing up to take out the trash

A new study published in the journal, Emotion, found that activities that inspire awe may actually boost the immune system.  (

Please see what I can offer you in the way of soothing creative experiences.

Love and Bless, Aviva