Dear Painting Friends Worldwide,

Scary images of monsters and half forgotten predators visit our paintings unannounced, like unexpected nightmares when we sleep. The brain activates our senses; it feels so real we want to get away. We want to rip up the painting and begin again. For many of us the early path to free ecstatic creative flow is strewn with surfacing energetic entities, demonic, crude and terrifying that demand our attention. We say, “Oh I needed to get that out of my system. That is the past. Now I can discard this monster, this muddy mess and take a new paper to paint something pretty, something uplifting .”

“Not so fast”, I say. Many a time I have rescued these discarded paintings from the trash. As many experienced Source painters know, the kernels of your greatest gifts lie in the full compassion for and expression of your most fearful predators. The myth of Beauty and The Beast tells us that only when pure innocent Beauty looked into the eyes of the Beast with love and compassion could she see and feel his suffering and true nobility, thus liberating him back to the handsome royal prince he truly was. Beauty now has her true alley in life which completed and liberated her as well.

It is the same with the unwanted images and paintings in the painting process. Stay with it with compassion and full expression and the block to free flow creativity and love is liberated. No need for intellectual understanding.

I always say, “ There is no such thing as a bad or ugly painting; there is only an ‘unfinished’ painting. “

And so it goes. This liberation in the painting process is cultural as well as personal; it has a positive effect on the ecological and political environment as well as in your interior psyche: personal life and health. It takes a noble soul to step into this path and that is who you are.

In the Painting From The Source® retreats we use many techniques to transmute what appears to be your destroyer into your redeemer, staying in one single painting for the duration of the workshop is not least. Magic happens. Mystery Lives. No need to analyze or understand. The paintings sparkle with energy and beauty.
Understandably, when a group of people go through this hero’s journey, they bond. A triumph for one becomes a triumph for all. Give it a try. Come paint in Oracle AZ. The next weekend workshop is Aug 18-20.

There is still room for you.

Love and Bless,