Powerful Transformation Group, Jan 2020.  See Surprise Link at End of Letter

Dear Painting Friends Worldwide,

You never know from where the answer to your prayers will come. It may take many years or an instant but please keep following your dream and have faith. It really works.

A most unexpected angel arrived on my door step on January 3, 2020. Unbeknown to me this slender, blonde glowing stranger brought magic. Sarah, Bamford-Seidelmann, a medical doctor turned Animal Shaman, elephant lover and author.

As you all know my life’s mission is to “Awaken the Artist’s Soul in Everyone” including in me. Becoming an Art Medicine Woman sustains and nourishes me and also provides my livelihood. The more people I reach through Painting From the Source media and workshops, the less lonely and more gratified I feel.

So since 1986 I have been collecting names and street addresses for my mailing list. … which has now grown to 1,700 email addresses world wide. Many of you have loyally come to PFTS workshops, bought PFTS books and media and sent your friends. I am so grateful for your support and love. Many of you have been growing older along with me. But in resent years I have been trying, asking and praying for an additional new audience and searching for a prominent social media person to help me reach an expanded audience.

I don’t remember how Sarah found me but she attended the New Year PFTS workshop and fell under the spell of the painting process. She is the blond in the upper left of group picture above with a piece of her large painting in background.

When the workshop was over, she asked if she could have a live interview with me after she got home. Sarah, who is a medical doctor turned animal Shaman, posted our lively interview on her facebook and Instagram and I immediately got submissions to my mailing list and book and workshop sales… even a referral for my movie idea. Enjoy the wonderful chemistry between us and positive energy for a liberated creative world. ENJOY ENCHANTMENT NOW.

Love and bless, ag