“Aviva, a true Art Medicine Woman, led me from mental concepts to full color embodiment!”
– Pam Hale, Teacher, Healer, Artist, Friend

Dear Painters Worldwide, 

I have been Painting From the Source® with tens of thousands (including you) for the past 36 years …. and am grateful for every minute. And to my surprise, I do not see an end in sight. I have always wanted to make a positive impact on people, and thus the planet … a desire to leave the world a better place than when I arrived. I was born to teach and as long as people want to play with me, I am available. I will be 78 on July 17. Offering creative openings to the mysteries of life keeps me alive, vital and healthy. You can not retire from a mission. (This is fortunate in my case because I also need the money to pay the bills). But as you know, most people in our culture do not get direct financial remuneration for their work of passion, their mission … for instance in the case of nurturing a family, grand-parenting, volunteer animal rescue, citizen and ecological support, … even supporting a sports team, …the reward is in the doing. … and of course your passion stays with you to the end of your days. Think about it. What is your mission/passion in this life? For many of us, our mission begins after we retire or leave our 9-5 day job.

The August workshop in Switzerland has 43 international men and woman signed up (with a waiting list). The producer of the Swiss workshop, Thomas Luchinger, is also a filmmaker, wanting to include me and Painting From the Source in his next documentary. At a time in my life that I assumed I would be slowing down, new doors are opening to shower my love on you and this precious blue marble in space. We are all needed, more than ever, to spread art, love and authentic expression. Remember it is impossible to retire from a mission.

Love and bless, Aviva