Dear Painting Friends,

I am so blessed and grateful. Just returned from Painting From The Source with an inspiring group in Esalen Institute, Big Sur CA. Please see our picture/video on Facebook and “Like”.

Taking my own good medicine: When I watch and listen to my painting, it unfailingly prompts me where to go next, what color and image to expand and what to cover over…  And as in my painting, when I watch and listen to my life in Oracle and voices of wise friends who visit me in Oracle, my life takes a new path and direction. So now, instead of focusing on raising hundreds of thousands for a retreat in Oracle, I am first focusing on planting the roots and seeds of Painting From The Source community and establishing my presence and work here in Oracle . From these roots a retreat center will organically grow.

I am offering presentations, workshops, training and establishing the first group of former trainees to use the name PFTS and to teach others the method. Serendipitously I met people in Esalen from this area of Arizona who will be part of our new PFTS community. While many people my age are slowing down, now as I open my heart wider in vulnerability, so many new exciting opportunities are opening up. (Any one have a contact at AARP retirement magazine? I want to inspire seniors about later life and painting). Stay tuned. Please go to Facebook and “Like”.

Please connect me to anyone you know in the Arizona area.
Love and bless to all, Aviva