Dear Painting Friends Worldwide,

While the Xmas season is raging around us, I was thinking about the real spirit of winter and what our most distant ancestors did before there was ever Xmas at  the darkest, coldest time of the year. It seems natural to go inward, sleep and dream more, have our imagination activated, sit around a fire and tell stories.

This is happening to me. What about you? Or are you too busy? I wonder what the deep dark winter is like for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere with no Xmas activities and shopping to distract them? I find the winter a time of deeper more widespread Enchantment, a time of connecting more deeply to Spirit, doing rituals, lighting fires, reading stories, picking the Osho Zen Tarot cards, painting, sleeping, weeping for sorrow and joy, going out under the stars in the quiet night.  I am sure the loss of enchantment is connected with people who consider ending their lives.  This is a time in our lives, in the world, for very necessary Re-Enchantment.

Love and Bless, Aviva