When A door closes, a better window opens

Dear Friends,
 When any hoped-for plan is falling apart in your life, it’s hard not to feel disappointed. But, as you know, “When a door closes, a new window opens”… often an unexpected better opportunity. Being receptive to the essential magic of a creative Universe helps nudge that unexpected window open. Yes?
Such is the story of manifesting this NEW magical place in Switzerland to paint Aug 23-28, 2020, Center for Unity, Schweibanalp.  I had my heart set to teach there in 2018. But to my disappointment they were booked. I taught in a different location in 2018 which was lovely.  I was going to teach there again in 2019, but to my frustration we did not get enough people and the door closed for 2020 as well. I sadly gave up the hope to teach in Switzerland again. But out of the blue an opening appeared in the location I really wanted in the first place, Schweibanalp!  So here we are, preparing for an extraordinary event in this Enchanted Oasis, Aug 23-28 2020. I am so excited about teaching in this magical location. I have my dear sponsor in Switzerland to thank, Thomas Luechinger.


We are limiting the attendance to 25 people including assistants. Full Fee: $850 includes all materials, tuition, rental, advertising, yoga and so much more.  But I am offering an “Early Bird Special” reduced fee of $ 725 for the first 8 people to register. $ 250 non refundable to hold your place.

I have a feeling that 2020 will be a big year for rejuvenation for all of us. At least in my life there is movement toward rejuvenation. The completion of a number of projects are on the horizon …  in my 80th year no less. …  such as remodel of my book with lots of color paintings, renovation of my website,  premiere of doc film, Paths Of Life ( in which I am one of the protagonists)…. and who knows, maybe romance.  And leading up to this, I had past life regressions, Soul retrieval, review of astrology chart, and will do clearing rituals on the upcoming new moon.

Seeing all the best for you. Love, AG