Dear Painting Friends Worldwide,

Paths of Life documentary film image.
Aviva is a featured character in this documentary film about dealing with life crises and what visions they have developed from them.

My son is going through a painful divorce. He and his wife disagree on child custody for my 4 year old granddaughter. I have been communicating with both of them. … the situation has of course stirred up memories of my own divorce when this son, now father, was a baby … but also has me thinking about our different choices in life style, different karma, the purpose of being alive, our different life paths and similar emotions.

I have always marveled at how a life challenge like divorce, death of a significant person, loss of a job or fortune can wake us up and change our life for the better. The key seems to be allowing the emotions like grief to be completely felt. This is true in the painting process as well. Sometimes we need to paint and Kiss the Beast to get to Beauty.

The situation my son is going through is getting me to think about what I want to contribute in my life time. I feel very fortunate that my life style and work contributes to the health of people and planet. I also think if you just make one person, one child, feel loved you have made a big contribution. In fact, if you love and deeply value yourself you contribute to the planetary well being vibe. Right? And if you don’t feel good about your life and yourself that can always change in an instant. That is the beauty in the process of living and painting. … full of surprises and opportunities. I can see how there is a force in life that always pushes us to look at the ways we can change course for the better. I call that force “ The Source”.

My early life was difficult and challenging. I am truly a late bloomer. Now at almost 80, seeds planted years ago are coming to bloom. In1998 a man from Switzerland named Thomas Luchinger bought my newly published book, in a Barns and Noble store when visiting NYC. He loved the book, contacted me and  we have been in communication since. He is a multi-gifted man and has included me in his new documentary film called, “Paths Of Life” which is coming out this winter. It is about four people, including me, on “A Hero’s Journey” making different contributions to life. Please see the Trailer

What is your dream for your life? Come to one of my workshops, pick up a paint brush and see what unfolds. 

Love and Bless, Aviva