Gold Post Blog

Shared Musings From the Wild side: latest news & updates

Dream Come True. Perfect Gift: Color Filled Book
Dream Come True. Perfect Gift: Color Filled Book

Have you ever had one of those “I could die now and feel complete” moments? You know, like when you have accomplished a longed for feat, had a transformational moment, achieved a momentous goal, had a deep spiritual visitation. This feeling usually involves some sense of achieving some karmic...

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Where Are You? Where Would You Like To Be?
Where Are You? Where Would You Like To Be?

Dear Painting Friends Worldwide, Aviva is a featured character in this documentary film about dealing with life crises and what visions they have developed from them. My son is going through a painful divorce. He and his wife disagree on child custody for my 4 year old granddaughter. I have...

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Look Forward To A Treat
Look Forward To A Treat

When A door closes, a better window opens Dear Friends,  When any hoped-for plan is falling apart in your life, it’s hard not to feel disappointed. But, as you know, “When a door closes, a new window opens”… often an unexpected better opportunity. Being receptive to the essential magic of a...

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How We Discover Our Life’s Purpose
How We Discover Our Life’s Purpose

How did aviva develop painting from the source®? Dear Painting Friends Worldwide, You know the saying,” Necessity is the Mother of Invention", the only way new things are invented is when there is a need. Have you noticed this in your life?  Do you have a deep need that will lead to a...

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Painting Dissolves your Blocks to Bliss
Painting Dissolves your Blocks to Bliss

DEAR PAINTING FRIENDS WORLDWIDE, Have you ever noticed that you are afraid of what you also most fervently desire? It seems illogical but true. I see it in myself and other painting participants all the time. Here is an example: In the beginning of each workshop I have a simple but disarming...

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How Painting Keeps You Centered In A Turbulent World
How Painting Keeps You Centered In A Turbulent World

Source Paintings Are Eternal Mirrors Of Our Body/Mind/Soul Dear Painting Friends Worldwide, The importance of feeling solid and stable on the earth can not be overstated. Some people call it grounded, some call it centered, others call it rooted. All these words address the same sensation, of...

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Dear Painting Friends Worldwide, While the Xmas season is raging around us, I was thinking about the real spirit of winter and what our most distant ancestors did before there was ever Xmas at  the darkest, coldest time of the year. It seems natural to go inward, sleep and dream more, have...

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Impossible To Retire From Your Mission
Impossible To Retire From Your Mission

Impossible To Retire From Your Mission “Aviva, a true Art Medicine Woman, led me from mental concepts to full color embodiment!”- Pam Hale, Teacher, Healer, Artist, Friend Dear Painters Worldwide,  I have been Painting From the Source® with tens of thousands (including you) for the past 36 years...

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You Can Paint Powerful Images Too
You Can Paint Powerful Images Too

You can paint powerful images too. YOU NEVER KNOW IN WHAT FORM YOUR HEALING GUIDE WILL APPEAR Next weekend in Oracle AZ is May 25-27. This painting, "Mr. Toro” (3'x4'), is an example of my intuitive channeled process and what others do in my workshops. He appeared by surprise many years ago. There...

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